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Update Terakhir
27 / 07 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 123

Detail Nanophotometer

Alat Peraga Pendidikan Microvolume Capability: Starting with only 0.3 µl of sample Scan: 3.5 - 6 seconds per
reading, 200 to 650 nm
Accuracy 1.5 nm Built-in touchscreen - NanoVolume Performance: Detection Range
dsDNA: 5 - 7,500 ng/μl Detection Range BSA: 0.15 - 217 mg/ml Sample
olume: 0.3 - 2 μl Photometric Range (10 mm equivalent): 0.1 - 150 A Path Length:
0.67& 0.07 mm Dilution Factor: 15 and 140 Optical
Specifications: Wavelength Scan Range: 200 - 650 nm Measure Time For Full Scan
Range: 3.5 - 6.0 sec
Wavelength Reproducibility: ± 1 nm Wavelength Accuracy: 1.5 nm Bandwidth: 5 nm
Reproducibility : 0.004 A (< 0.67 mm path) @ 260 nm - Optical Arrangement: 1 x
3648 CCD Array Lamp: Xenon flash lamp
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